Vlog! What Happened to Us in Istanbul During the Pandemic?
In March, Iulia and I were separated because of the pandemic.
After several months and 3 failed attempts to reunite, we did something crazy. We couldn’t have planned or even imagined what happened next.
When an impossible obstacle is put in front of you, as the Stoics say, the obstacle becomes the way.
Damon Cart

Damon Cart
Damon Cart is considered to be a natural talent by some of the best NLP trainers in the world. His approach to guiding and teaching students brings to their awareness that they've been doing NLP all of their lives without realizing it and he empowers them with skills and resources to thrive and reach their full potential. With the understanding of how Neuro Linguistic Programs create oneβs experience a person can then take charge of those programs and create the experience and the life they want. By taking this approach into his own rigorous, daily NLP practice Damon has been able to rapidly accelerate his progress in learning, coaching clients and teaching workshops.
All Posts abundance abundancemindset achieve goals achieve success achieve your goals achievement affirmations amor fati anchoring anger anxiety approach approach anxiety auditory authenticity become successful best self building rapport business career carpe diem case study challenge yourself change change of thinking clarity coach coaching codependency commitment communication communication model confidence confusion pattern congruent connect consistency coping with loneliness creating change damon cart dating deadline death decision decision making decisions defensive behavior defensiveness demonstration desire develop develop yourself developing intuition development disappointment disconnect discontentment distraction dream duality effective empowerment entrepreneur excellence excuses extrovert eye movement patterns failure false self fear fear of failure fear of success freedom fulfill future pacing get what you want goal-setting goals growth mindset happiness health hero's journey hierarchy of needs how to how to be persistent how to build confidence how to build self-esteem how to deal with boredom how to self-actualize hypnosis hypnotic inductions identity improve life improve self-discipline improvement independence influence inner conflict interview introvert investing james tripp jason fladlien kinesthetic language patterns leadership learn nlp learning life life changes life coach life fulfillment life mastery life mastery gym limitation limiting beliefs linguistic live a fulfilled life living life with intention logical levels love life management manipulation mapping across maria menounos maslow master life master nlp master your destiny master your life matching and mirroring meaning of life meeting deadlines meeting people mentor meta model meta programs milton model mind hack mindset money motivation motivational narcissism narcissist narcissit nature nature vs nurture negativity nested loops neuro linguistic programming nietzsche nlp nlp anchoring nlp basics nlp coach nlp coaching nlp concept nlp demonstration nlp developer nlp for sales nlp founders nlp gym nlp influence nlp master nlp masters nlp meta model nlp meta programs nlp metaphors nlp mindset nlp mindshift nlp model nlp modeling nlp models nlp parts integration nlp perceptual postions nlp persuasion nlp practitioner nlp presuppositions nlp technique nlp techniques nlp timeline nlp training non-verbal nurture overcome fear of failure overcome laziness overcome limitations overcome procrastination overcome rejection overcome resistance overcoming approach overcoming guilt overcoming regret passive aggressive behavior passive agressive patience peace people perception persistence personal development personal growth personal identity personal transformation personality personality quizz persuasion peter schwartz pivotal moments positivity potential preframe presuppositions purpose of life quit your job reach your goals reimprinting rejection relationships representational systems resentment resistance robert dilts sacrifice for success scarcity scarcitymindset seduction seize the day self acceptance self actualization self awareness self concept self concept model self confidence self development self esteem self improvement self sabotage self sabotaging self worth self-actualization self-actualize self-awareness self-concept self-development self-discipline self-doubt self-empowerment self-esteem self-help self-improvement self-sabotage self-worth sensory acuity sensory acuity and calibration skills spending steve andreas succes success suffering swish pattern techniques trainer training transform yourself transformation transforming transforming beliefs transforming your self travel unbalanced uncertainty unsubscribe use nlp using nlp values values elicitation vision visual vlog webinar weight loss what is nlp willpower win an argumentLatest NLP Tips by Damon

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